Monday, January 14, 2008

"You mean the version with the actors in it?"

I've been watching a whole slew of DVDs that I've gotten over the past few months and I've been noticing trend in DVD production. This whole "Unrated Version!!" or the prestigious "Director's Cut" thing started off with good intentions, but in the last year or so I'm pretty sure that whatever footage they have added or omitted wasn't all that great or substantial in the first place. I just watched the Zodiac Director's Cut and um... didn't notice a difference. The Unrated Superbad DVD was maybe 2 or 3 minutes longer but I'm pretty sure it was one extra dick joke and some b-roll. Technically, if you were to say... take the rating away it would be "Unrated". If you were to get your director to sign off on his cut of the film it would be a "Director's Cut".*

*My "Alternate Ending!" of this blog is where I finish with a question mark instead of a period.

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