Friday, October 26, 2007

Moblog: Intro...

So, I'm sitting here in Wrigleyville. Chicago, IL. My good friend Teeny has me set up on her pull out bed, complete with Pooh bear sheets and situated in her bay window that has a decent view of Wrigley field, home of the Chicago Cubs. I'm well into my first leg of my trip/vacation/mission to get away/recharge/find a new place to live. My friend Joey told me I should start a "Moblog" (which I assume is a combination of the words Mobile and Blog). Here's my first post. I'm gonna try to back track without getting too boring or scattered.

I had been in Florida at my grandma's house for a while, maybe two weeks, finishing a project. Just so you know, if you ever feel like motivating yourself a good step would be staying in a remote location by yourself and doing tedious computer-related work. I had it in my mind that since I have no clue where I want to live next, and since many current possibilities are foreign to me, I should go to all the cities I might want to live in and just get a feel for the surroundings.

The trip is as follows:
Savannah, GA - Atlanta, GA - Ashland, KY - Chigago, IL - Montana - Seattle, WA - Portland, OR - Eugene, OR - San Francisco, CA - Los Angeles, CA - Las Vegas, NV - Santa Fe, NM - Austin, TX - Savannah, GA


Wednesday, October 24, 2007


This is my new blog....